The Juggerknot Mini Rta is designed by Philippe Quenneville from QP designs out of Canada. They have had a lot of success with previous designs like the Fatality rta, kali rda and the original juggerknot which was the inspiration for the mini. The Juggernot Mini is 24mm in diameter, has a single coil postless deck and it comes with a 4.5ml bubble glass. The build deck on the Juggerknot mini is very easy to build on and each deck is serialized on the base. It is a postless single coil deck and both screws are on the same side for both leads so you don't have to turn it around to fasten your second lead down, if you prefer to use hex screws vs flat head screws there are some in the accessory bag along with a tool for both. There are two channels for the cotton on either side of the coil and you don’t have to stuff them with cotton, just clip your cotton short and fluff it out and fill the ports, the best cotton for Rta’s is natural organic cotton like the cottonman organic pads or the mavatons X cotton since it wicks quickly and helps your tank not to leak by staying fluffy until you change it out. Since it has adjustable top airflow it is great for beginner or more experienced builders since it cannot leak. The way the airflow is inside of the chamber it hits your coil directly on both sides and under it too, it is a very small chamber so you get a significant amount of flavor with a great amount of airflow. With this Rta you don't even have to unscrew anything to fill it, just grip the ring that says “Juggerknot mini” and pull up and it will expose the filling port, filling on the fly has never been easier. The machine quality of the Rta is noticeably well done, it is shiny and pristine. It comes with a traditional straight glass installed on the tank and holds 2mls, also in the box is a 4.5ml bubble glass. The Rta uses a traditional 810 sized drip tip, the one it comes with is very low profile and unique, It has a random resin color with a removable metal ring which has the designers signature on it. In the box aside from the bubble glass you also get a authentication card, qp designs vape band for the tank, a barbie flat head screwdriver, hex key and extra screws and orings. Jai Haze Reviewed this Rta and gave it a pretty high rating, they stayed true to the original design of the Juggernot with some improvements and made it into a more compact size, so weather you are new to Rta’s or have a bunch of jammies already it is definitely worth having in your arsenal and there will be only a certain amount made too, it is going to go just as fast as the original Juggernot did.
Pro Tip: As with any postless deck the key is to cut your leads very short so you don’t have to take them out and re-cut them, you can have your coil on a screw driver and hold it next to the deck to get an idea of how long your legs should be.
24mm Diameter
Single coil
No leaking
Postless deck
Pull up top fill
Side installed screws (No coil twisting)
Adjustable Top airflow
Airflow stopper (No free spinning)
New deck design (More airflow + Flavor)
Triple channeled airflow to coils
Airflow to coils (side,under,top)
Signature 810 drip tip (Random color top)
Glass 4.5ml bubble tank
Glass 2ml tank (/Europe/TPD laws)
Vape band with logo
Flat head screws
Hex grub screws
Black O rings
Accessory bag
serial number
Signature 810 drip tip(Removable bottom ring)
QP Design - Juggerknot Mini Single Coil RTA - SS
QP Design - Juggerknot Mini Single Coil RTA - SS
Product features
Product features